Sunday, 13 March 2011

Inexpensive Pandora Look-a-like Bracelet

Hey everyone! Where I live Pandora bracelets are extremely popular but also overpriced (in my opinion).  I really love the look of them though.  During the last month or so I have been on a search to find more affordable alternatives.  This is what I found.

Pandora's standard silver bracelet costs $80 and that is WITHOUT any charms on it.  The charms themselves range in price from to $25 to $940!!!  If you want a full bracelet you need to purchase approximately 17-22 charms.  I am sure you realize how pricey this is getting.

I found two alternative locations to purchase Pandora look-a-likes.  The first was from a company called Metalsmiths.  Metalsmiths has a booth in my mall that sold the bracelets for $80 without any charms.  The big difference though was the price of the charms.  All charms cost less than $100 and most ranged between $30-$60.  This is where my boyfriend purchased my bracelet for Valentines day along with two charms and a stopper.

A stopper is a small charm that you put at the end of the bracelet so the charms don't all fall off when you open the clasp.  At Metalsmiths the stopper came with the bracelet.

The second alternative I actually found by chance.  I went to Micheals Craft Store to look for a vase for my makeup brushes and came across a display for Pandora look-a-like bracelets and charms.  Because I already had the Metalsmiths bracelet at this point, I just purchased some charms. I ended up getting a set of 10 charms for only $6 :)  Definitely a good price!  I wish I had looked at the price for the bracelet.  I never glanced at the price tag.  Sorry about that!

The downfall of the dirt cheap Michaels bracelets is that they do not come with a stopper.  The charms fall off the bracelet very easily.  On the bright side, if you lose some, they are inexpensive enough to replace.

I hope this was helpful.  I love my Pandora look-a-like.  Its easy on the eyes and on the wallet :)

This is a Michaels Craft Store bracelet.  Just as beautiful and very affordable :)

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